Best Version Media - East Amherst Neighbors
Best Version Media - East Amherst Neighbors
10% Off Dry Cleaning and Tailoring
Family Owned Dry Cleaner & Tailor since 1931. Environmentally friendly dry cleaning. FREE Pick Up & Delivery
Colvin Cleaners offers FREE Pick Up & Delivery and an Automatic 10% Discount to all Amherst Chamber Members!
Amherst Chamber of Commerce Members Discount
15% savings on your first service
Save 15%
Learn what your natural instincts are and how you need to perform your best work!
20% off Hogan Personality Assessment and/or Executive Coaching Packages
Understand your leadership style and how to best use your strengths using this combination of assessments and individualized coaching. As an executive coach, I provide personalized guidance tailored to your unique leadership challenges and aspirations. I help you fast-track your development, refine critical skills, and overcome obstacles efficiently. I work with SMB's, Senior Executives and C-Suite individuals. Certified by Hogan Assessments, and Univsersity of Buffalo.
Unlock potential and your leadership skills with a customized coaching program.
Save On a Half Day Strategic Session with Larry Mietus, Founder-Speaking of Strategy
Strategic planning. Business planning. Management consulting. Leadership consulting. Excuse busting.
Chief Excuse Obliterator
20% off for Amherst Chamber Members
Home Organizing Discount
Simplify Buffalo will waive the $125 consultation fee when members move forward and book an organizing session. To learn more about our services, visit
Member-to-Member Discount for Home Organizing
Outsourced HR Services
TripleTrack HR Partners is pleased to offer a 5% discount on our ala carte HR services and solutions to all our member friends of the Amherst Chamber! Employee handbooks, job descriptions, workplace investigations, employee relations and difficult conversations . . . Let us help. We make HR easy!
We Make HR Easy!
10% Discount for HSE On-Demand Virtual Training
On Demand Virtual Training Discount
Family, Children & Pet Portraits - Member Discount 20% January - June and 10% June - December
For Chamber members, enjoy a 20% discount off Family, Children and Pet portrait services from January to June and a 10% discount from July - December, which include: Family Portraits Children's Portraits Pet Portraits
For Chamber members, enjoy a 20% discount off Photo Restoration
For Chamber members, enjoy a 20% discount off Photo Restoration. Bring those cherished old photos back to life and preserve them.
For Chamber members, enjoy a 20% discount off Photo Restoration
Amherst Alarm - Exclusive Member to Member Benefit
Amherst Alarm - Exclusive Member to Member Benefit
Free Anet Radio & 3 Months Free Monitoring